Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-02-12

Duration Time: 12:00 – 1:00 Noon

List of Attendees: Andy, David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: ICCS X239

Programming Practices

-	TA suggest that when programming, only talk to each other if there is work 
related discussion, otherwise sit and work separately 
-	He notes that working alone at home and using phone/Skype is good for 
coding because it prevents distraction. (Team considers this method to save
travel time) 
Design Phase – Design Document Details
-	TA looked at our High level architecture conceptual diagram and our security
view diagram 
-	He suggests that: a diagram for system classes and the diagram needs to be
done before coding starts and it gives the TA a look of what goes on. He wants a
complete ER diagram, mock ups or best choice would be a class diagram. 
-	Class diagram would show interactions and will “sort of” cover section 4
-	 TA says at this point, we should think about coding 
-	High level structures such as database design and etc should all go into section 4. 
-	In section 3 you are not going into specifics but say why you are doing things
in a certain way relating to high level design. 
-	Low level class diagrams for each module that are independent could go into
section 5.1. From this, each sub-programming team could code each module.
-	Security, ER, High Level diagrams for section 4. 
Scrum Meeting 

-	Identify Input and Output of Modules assigned. TA notes that these descriptions
could also go into section 5.1. There are NO specific rules as to what can go into
these sections as long as they are relevant. This is good to have before coding. 

SRS – TA walkthrough

-	Introduction – You said that there is confusion to open source product? 
This is what the client wanted? TA: Whatever your application is, your client
is NOT making that available as an open source project. TEAM: Client wants to
have a free version to give out and will update a version for himself if he
decides the system to go commercial. TA: He wants you to use tools that are open
source so that it’ll be commercial? What this line means to me, is that if you set
it up as an open source code, you are putting it online so that people can download
it and setup using it their OWN server. From the TA’s understanding, we are supposed
to make software just for private use of the client. So whatever you write can be in
the BSD licence but as long you use tools under BSD licence. It doesn’t have to be
open source. Open source here is NOT a requirement. Making it open source is decided
after we give our software to him. Add more explanation in the SRS as to why something
has to be open source. 

-	TA suggests that we REMOVE the sentence regarding open-source since it won’t
affect the rest of the SRS and it’ll have consequences on the software requirements. 

-	Jon has commented on a section that has an awkward sentences that needs to be 

-	Section 2 is for the client, must make explicit

-	Your application IS dependant of CSV data formats. Reword that in the SRS. 

-	Function Diagrams update: visual presentation rework, flow chart from up from
down (however don’t spend too much time on it) 

-	The role of administrators: mention that these are more support staff and not
system admins, make clear that they don’t have direct DB access. Also change the
definitions of administrator. 

-	TA asks: Is there NO user registration page? Team explains: Registration is done
on Pitch’n’s end. We will be working with test data, when we give the product then
they’ll have read user data. We’ll just have test user accounts. Client says we don’t
have to worry about integration with their existing system. TA: This is more of a
question. Seems a bit dodgy. WE WILL MAKE IT MORE CLEAR

-	Kurt needs to decide if BSD is okay for UBC Students. TA will email Kurt and
update us with that later. 

-	TA: Performance Requirements: Which operations may take longer? TA appreciates
that the section is broken into two points. He doesn’t want us to give numbers
(1 sec/ 10 sec) if they don’t mean anything. He wants numbers if they are results of
test and can show evidence with test results that can show numbers. David: Is there
a way to avoid that? No numbers no need for tests? TA: You can write down anything
as long as you have it tested. Basically you need to get requirements from the client.
If none is given, DEFINE the general requirements that you are using. If there are
slight changes to the numbers later on it’s fine. You should write how it would
generally perform, what takes long, what is fast, how to test. While you are implementing
make sure that these values are tested. Test the longest/shortest operations during
implementation. ANYTHING YOU WRITE DOWN NEEDS TO BE TESTABLE. Note that testing time
for this course is limited. Don’t put don’t arbitrary numbers. It is better if you
DO NOT put numbers if you don’t have testable numbers. Talk about how some queries
can take longer.  

-	Since we don’t have any testable numbers, don’t put numbers in the SRS, but we
can give rough estimated ranges.  

-	In the SRS mention EXACTLY what you want to do in the SRS. No random values! 

-	 At least specify what operation is going to be slow and what is fast. 

-	In testing, show that stated slow operations are actually slow and vice 
-	ER Diagram: LIST MORE attributes, the structure is fine. 

-	Reliability: Same as before, DO NOT give out random numbers. Talk about what
happens when server crashes, how to recover from system errors and crashes. You 
can say that DB would require external backup. You would never leave the DB in a
danger state. Think about if something goes wrong, how long does it take to be 
restored and do you have any lost of data. 

-	Availability: Talk about what does this application needs to be able to
function in a certain time period. Does the application need to be available in
24 hours? Mention time for maintenances, example: since this will be used a lot,
maintenance time will have to be from 2-4 AM. TEAM: The only thing that would affect
thesystem would be if Pitch’n brings it down but our system itself does not have 
down time.

-	TA: okay in that case, you can note that that your system does not have its 
own downtime but downtime could be present when Pitch’n requires it. We are not 
responsible, it depends how Pitch’n sets up their server. 

-	Change Management: Include factors that we can consider when we decide if we 
would allow a change. 

-	Add Team Signatures at the end of the last page as agreement between two 
parties. It’s a not a legal document but think of it as one. 

Design Phase 

-	Break down into 4 pushes
-	First Push on Sunday for drafting 
-	Second Push for High and low level diagrams roughed out. We want to make a complete
system connection. 

FOLLOW-UP: Team Meeting Thursday 12:30-2:00 PM. The meeting will be for Yii training

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