Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-29

Duration Time: 12:00 – 12:50 Noon

List of Attendees: Andy, David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: ICCS X239

ER Diagram: 

-	Show boxes with attributes. 
-	Don’t have to worry about specific fields however entities and their
relationships must be decided. 


-	Don’t lose points for NOT have them. However it makes things more clear
-	You’ll have a very good control flow if you have a clear Mock-up
-	Feel free to change the UI later on. It does not have to be set on the
mock-up design that you have in the SRS
-	It’s mainly used to visual work flow. 

Keeping Track of Responsibilities

-	TA is fine with the current spread sheet
-	 How explicit do you want the responsibilities to be? He wants this to be
model like a scrum meeting, list major things that you did and is planning to
do. Share interesting things that you found. Share problems that you are having.
Share how you solve the problem. 
-	It doesn’t have to have a set format. It is informal. 
-	TA notes that cumulative commitment is only for us. TA and Prof only reviews
if needed. 

SRS Section Discussion: 

-	David wants to check with teammates regarding availability so that he can
schedule the project plan. 
-	SRS should be completed by Thursday 
-	TA suggests using footnote for sections requiring citation
-	TA suggests that by using mock-ups, the function diagrams would be easier
to understand for non-expert SRS audience
-	Do we need referencing to the licensing documents? Yes that is good practice.
Ask Kurt regarding this to confirm. However for the first view of the SRS, the TA
will not given any penalties relating to this matter. 
-	Phattrick is wondering if there should be 2 sections for administrator to
volunteer accounts and administrator for managers. This will be decided by the
team after the TA meeting. 
-	David wonders if we need more information for section 2.4 on constraints and
dependencies. TA says that since there is 11 points worth for the section, are
there more information on the matter from the client? He suggests we talk about
how the client would prefer us to use PHP for better integration.
-	Cron jobs (Linux) – availability vs constraints.
-	Should security constraints be mentioned in the system constraints?  As long
they are located in the SRS and is mention, section location does not matter. As
long as nothing is missing or makes more sense located somewhere else. 
-	TA suggests us to not be deadlocked to the guidelines of the template
provided, think about other possible constraints.  
-	When we are referring to later development, should we be referencing to
people in general or our team specific?
-	Is there a specific format for the SRS? PDF, besides that, other formats
are optional. 
-	Team name is removed. How do we refer to ourselves in the SRS? Can we
call ourselves “developers”?  TA answer: it’s actually unnecessary and you
can just remove the noun in the sentence and it’ll still make sense. You
don’t actually need to refer to the developers and who is doing this, just
refer to the features. 
-	How should the table of contents work? TA says what we have is fine
and use common sense structuring.  There is no agreed upon format, as long
as you doing something sensible. 
-	WHERE TO HAND IN THE HARD COPY? There are 2 things to hand in, SRS and
project plan by email 6 PM by Friday. Hard-copy is needed on Friday. He’ll
be in his lab Friday afternoon. Lab room number is 308 in the main building.
You can hand in the project plan hard copy then with the SRS but TA says you
can hand in the project plan hard copy on Tuesday as well when you pick up
the SRS after it’s been reviewed. He’ll be in the building till 5:30-6:00
PM on Tuesday. Whoever is free can come to pick up the SRS on Tuesday. Don’t
stress too much about the hard-copy as long as the soft copy is handed in. 
Phattrick question: 

-	What do you think we should do for the admin section? David suggests
that we just have one section. The approval process would be only for the
administrator process. 

FOLLOW-UP: Team Meeting Thursday 12:30-2:00 PM. The meeting will be for the final reviewing of the SRS.

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