Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-30

Duration Time: 12:00 - 12:50 PM

List of Attendees: Matthew, David, Kenneth, Andy, Jon, Phattrick

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: DMP 301

Sean’s Request for Administrator Account Functionality

-	Administrator accounts should has access to all user accounts for troubleshooting 
-	This however creates a huge security issue so it’s still under debate if we should 
include this feature. 
Data Base Structure Discussion
-	Highest node would be Organization with Projects as the children Node
-	Under Projects, Roles will be the children node
-	Under each Roles, the will be a list of children node tasks.
-	There are two structures that we are considering  to use: 
1)	Starfish – we are thinking that we’ll use this structure format for retrieving tasks
of a certain role.  This will be used at the lower level of data structure. With this
structure, searching an listed data would more efficient (I.e a list of tasks) 
2)	Snowflake - this method would be used for searching, inserting into the hierarchy of
organization, projects to the level of roles. ID would be used to index data for each
data level at organization, projects, roles and tasks. 
-	From discussion we conclude that in the data hierarchy, the existence of the higher
levels is possible without the existence of the sublevels. (I.e we can have a role without tasks) 
-	No subtypes in the data structure can exist with data of a higher level above it.
(I.e you can’t have a role without a project, you can’t have tasks without assignment to a role.) 
Volunteer Accounts

-	User ID is generated by email
-	Account Password – hash, salt 
-	Project assignment – UID -> project 
Data Filtering
-	Minimum requirements - 4 search fields: 
1)	Availability
2)	Location 
3)	Skills
4)	Project 
-	David will perform search on how availability is stored. 
-	UID will be associated for each field. 
-	There would be a general key word search by name 
-	Filter search will be done by dropdown criteria selection. 
Questions for Sean:
-	Can we have a project with no role but only a list of tasks? 
-	Can an organization have no projects?

FOLLOW UP: Monday Feb 3rd Client meeting from 12-1:30 PM in ICCS X237, finish SRS section, proofread ENTIRE SRS and review diagrams

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