Minutes Records
Date of Meeting: 2014-01-25
Duration Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
List of Attendees: Matthew, David, Kenneth, Andy, Jon (Phattrick away)
Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: Google Hangout, Google Doc
Issues Discussed: Project Administration, SRS, For next week
Issue 1 - Project Administration
- Website Update: Phase role and team on the right INCLUDE TA NAME, News update
and the minute’s history on the left.
- Project plan due Feb 3rd
Issue 2 - SRS
- We have to figure out work style for the SRS
- Deepak mention that we might want to split into sub-teams but David thinks that SRS is
long so everyone should contribute. There are 4 sections; we are going to divide the
sections into responsibilities.
- The ones responsible for a particular section would first write down what they know about
it and add to it after the meeting with Sean on Monday.
- During the meetings we preformed SRS sections assignment
Table of Contents - Jon
1. Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Scope 4
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 4
1.4 References 4
1.5 Overview 5
2. The Overall Description 5
2.1 Product Perspective 5 - Andy
2.2 Product Functions 6 - Andy
2.3 User Characteristics 6 - Andy
2.4 Constraints 6 - Matt
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 7 – Matt
3. Specific Requirements 7 - Matt/Kenneth/David (sort out specifics later)
3.1 External interfaces 8
3.2 Functions 9
3.3 Performance Requirements 9
3.4 Logical Database Requirements 10
3.5 Software System Attributes 10
- 3.5.1 Reliability 11
- 3.5.2 Availability 11
- 3.5.3 Security 11 - Kenneth
- 3.5.4 Maintainability 11
- 3.5.5 Portability 12
4. Change Management Process 14 – Matt
5. Document Approvals 14
6. Supporting Information 14
- David, Matt, Kenneth are going to meet online at 5 to discuss SRS section 3.
- We want to have a first draft by Monday morning for the client meeting with questions.
- After client meeting we are going to refine the SRS with learned information
- Group discussion and refinement and proof read for the reminder week.
Issue 3 - UI
- Functionalities that we want to bring up to Sean:
1) Jon: Static left menu - http://www.jokkesommer.com/
Issue 4 - For Next Week
- Monday 12:00 Noon Client Meeting in X237 ICCS
- Complete SRS according to assigned roles
- Start the project planning
Responsibilities for Each Member
1) Read assigned SRS section
2) Write assigned section
3) Come up with questions for Sean for assigned SRS section
FOLLOW UP: Next meeting: Monday, Jan 27th @ 12:00 Noon in ICCS X237 with Client