Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-23

Duration Time: 12:30 – 2PM

List of Attendees: David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon (Andy was sick so Kenneth took the minutes)

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: ICCS 014

Issues Discussed:

Jon discusses Kin HR. It has tabs on the left side for Home, Profile, Team and Calendar.
Matt brings up the idea of tabs at the top for each option. There are also sidebar trees, 
accordion style sidetabs and dropdowns from the top tree. 
We went over the requirements for the project. 
MUST: Volunteer Management
MUST Document sharing
Should: Communication
May: Scheduling
May: Reporting
We also went over workflow: (SEE IMAGE)
Onboarding vs Documents.
Onboarding is generic information for many people/roles.
Documents and files are sent to specific people and can be modified by them.

Onboarding Questions:
File compatibility? How do we set up onboarding? What files must it be compatible with? 

To clarify: How much of the volunteering portal has to be implemented (onboarding)
For onboarding ( can we use email instead?)
For notifications ( can we use email instead?)
We have mockups (Photos from David.
View Mockups On Google Drive

Followup: Saturday meeting 4 PM over Google Hangouts.

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