Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-21

Duration Time: 8:30 PM – 10:30 PM

List of Attendees: Andy, David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: Google Hangout, Google Doc

Issues Discussed: Due dates, Need for Webpage Update, Phase Role Assignment, System Requirements, Design Approaches – Questions to ask Sean, Existing Systems to Research, Next Meeting with Sean, Next Meeting with TA, Assigned Tasks

Due dates 

1)	First pass requirements document due 6 PM Friday February 7. Provide hardcopy plus 
e-copy to your TA. TA will evaluate and return to you 6:00 Pm Tuesday, February 11th 
2)	Final copy is due 6:00 PM February 14th, provide again hardcopy plus e-copy to your TA
3)	Project plan also due 6:00 PM due February 7th  
Need for Webpage Update: 

-	Format of site to have – scroll list stacked by most recent date, for every item say 
when the next meeting is, with who and additional comments. 
-	Another thing to note down is responsibility and tasks for each member and their deadline  
-	History on homepage, meeting minutes, meeting date and next planned meeting 
-	Break into separate list for static information and updating information. 
-	Reformat website with static tool bar on the side and a centre infinite list 

Phase Role Assignment: 

1)	Requirement Analysis – David Li 
2)	System Design – Matthew Arnold 
3)	Program Design – Andy Wang 
4)	Coding – Kenneth Shen
5)	Unit & Integration Testing – Jon Wou
6)	System Testing/Acceptance Testing – Phattrick Tran
System Requirements 

-	Client needs a login for volunteer and import volunteer information and
MANAGE the information (top importance) 
-	CRM, 2 categories, import CSV file with list of volunteer, after you
import, you should be able to filter volunteer information.  Tailor a database
with all the associating columns that Pitch’n has. A) We need to be able to
import B) we need to be able to filter search. 
-	Send default documents to volunteers that signed up. 
-	Scheduling – jest is like combining Google calendars 
-	On boarding – administrator wants to provide registered volunteers with
information based on volunteer association and the administrator should be able
to choose the provided and distributed information.    
Design Approaches – Questions to ask Sean

-	Make an UI prototype to show Sean, he should be able to tell us what he
likes and what he doesn’t like. We can then ask him regarding appearance
preference. Prototyping user interface done by drawings to show Sean is suggested
-	Ask Sean about their provided service, and backend and ask if we can
have a look a code by Jason. They may not provide us with information, but
we should still try to save work by asking information so integration will be easier. 
-	There are 3 angles, functionality, user interface, back end angle
-	Which aspects of the competing systems does he like?   
-	Ask if we can see some of Jason’s code?
Existing Systems to Research 

Comparing and getting ideas with suggested existing systems
1)	Kin HR - UI
2)	Volunteer Squared – functionality 
3)	Base Camp, Catchafire – CRM aspects  
4)	Mail Chimp – importing CSVs
5)	Linkedin Volunteering 
Next Meeting with Sean:

-	Emailing him for the next meeting sometimes next week. 
-	Time and location TBA  
-	Provide technical questions for Sean in the email beforehand. 
-	Tell him that from now on, technical aspects questions will be included in 
emails, user interface questions and functionality questions will be asked in meeting. 
-	Question him on licensing, which of the following licensing is he okay with: 
-	Pre-book room on Monday in room x237 in ICCS at noon 12-1 PM
Next Meeting with TA

-	Wednesday 12:00 – 1:00 PM (JAN 22)
-	X237 ICCS 
Assigned Tasks

-	Team members are assigned researched tasks on existing system on topics such as
UI, functionality, CRM, Importing CSV etc
-	Team members must review email 
Don’t forget to research the following!
KinHR -> UI / Onboarding (Jon)
Volunteer squared -> Functionality (David)
MailChimp -> Importing CSVs (Kenneth Shen)
Basecamp(Matt), Catchafire (Phattrick) -> UI / Overall management workflow
LinkedIn Volunteering -> Novel ideas? (not too important)

Kenneth/Andy will also extend the cumulative hours to make it extensible.
Andy will update the website and write down the above tasks. 

FOLLOW UP: Meet at Wednesday 12:00 – 1:00 PM (JAN 22) in X237 ICCS for TA meeting.

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