Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-16

Duration Time: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM

List of Attendees: Andy, David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: DMP 301

Issues Discussed: Client Meeting Scheduling, TA Meeting Scheduling, Getting familiarize with the Pitch’n Company, Project Tec, Team Meeting Weekly Scheduling

ISSUE 1 - Client Meeting Scheduling:

	In regards to appointing a meeting time client, it was noted that Jon may not be able to find 
optimal time for our group alone since the appointed time is also decided based off the other 2 
groups’ preferences. During the meeting our team met with group 6. We decided that next 
Monday 12:00-3:00 PM is good for both group to met. It was noted that since Pitch’n does not 
actually have an office building, their company communication representative would come to 
meet us on campus. Jon would notify Kurt of decision by email. ATM we still do not know the 
meeting location for the client meeting. (Note* Next Monday is Jan 20th)   
ISSUE 2- TA Meeting Scheduling: 

	Every Thursday, since we do not know if Kurt would call us in, it was suggested by Kenneth 
that appointment with the TA during lecture time at 12:30-2:00 on Thursday for a meeting is 
not advised.
ISSUE 3- Getting familiarize with the Pitch’n Company: 

	Team leader David suggests that all members familiarize with the Pitch’n company 
background by review of the company site (pitchn.ca). It was also discovered that Pitch’n has a 
facebook page. The reasoning for this research before the meeting with the client is so that 
we will have useful questions prepared before meeting the client. During the meeting, David 
performed a test trial on the Pitch’n website by signing up on the site as a volunteer to learn 
more regarding Pitch’n. The site first identifies what the volunteer offer by asking for resume 
and availability. The site continues registration by asking what topics the volunteer is 
interested in and also where is the volunteer living and places they can go to for volunteer 
ISSUE 4 - Project Tec: 

	We moved the cumulative commitment archive to the shared Google doc folder. David 
suggests updating our project website with a favicon. He has volunteered to complete the 
task. Matt notes that if we have separate systems, synchronization could be an issue for the
project, while a possible solution would to pull data from the Pitch’n database. Kenneth 
notes that we may need a web server for the project. David says he MAY have one available with
PHP already setup. 
ISSUE 5 - Team Meeting Weekly Scheduling:

	Jon has organized the weekly meeting times for the team. He reports that there seems to 
be always one person busy during most time slots so that the ideal plan would be to book a 
room during a day where people can just drop-in in between breaks. As of now, the ideal weekly
day for this room booking would be on every Mondays. There also a problem with David sharing 
his schedule to Jon over Google Calendar but it was sorted out during the meeting. Jon notes
that Monday 12-1 PM is a time where everyone is free so including Thursdays from 12:30-2 PM,
there would be two weekly scheduled meeting. Locations for meetings are TBA, a suggestion
is a lab room beside the CUBE.      
Follow-up: Team meeting at 4 PM at the CUBE at night (Jan 16th), Google hang out meeting over the weekend Saturday 4:00 PM (Jan 18th).

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