Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-02-09

Duration Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM

List of Attendees: Matthew, David, Kenneth, Andy

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: Google Hangouts, Google Doc

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Meeting Content
-	In the meeting the Architectural Diagram is redesigned
-	We moved away from the CORE idea for original diagram.
-	However we are not sure if we included too much detail in the architectural diagram
so we need to confirm with Deepak.  
-	Made sequence diagram for Security View on Google doc 
-	We assigned roles for module write-ups
-	Most of the meeting was spent on formulating the diagrams. 
Views Needed 

-	A, D, E, on page 4 in the design doc
-	They are Conceptual, Module, and Security views

-	Install WAMP or MAMP and run PHP info 
-	Write-up in text for assigned Modules input and output (Sequence diagram in text from).
This will be due on Tuesday before class. You can also mention interactions between other
modules for your modules, like getting information from database etc. Refer to sections in
the SRS that describe in your module. Note that an “action” is consider as an input. 

FOLLOW-UP: Next Meeting Tuesday 2:00 PM on Tuesday in ICCS X339

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