Halcyon Eng. (Team 15)

Minutes Records

Project maintained by HalcyonEngineering Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Date of Meeting: 2014-01-14

Duration Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

List of Attendees: Andy, David, Phattrick, Kenneth, Matthew, Jon

Meeting Location/Communication Medium Used: Google Hangout, Google Doc, Google Calendar

Issues Discussed: Team Member Role Assignment, Project Topic Preference Order

ISSUE 1 - Roles Documentation:

Project manager/team leader - David
Risks Manager - David

Communication and Contact Manager - Jon

Configuration Manager - Matt

Progress Manager - Andy
Web Master - Andy
Minutes Manager - Andy

Research and Training Manager - Phattrick

Software Version Control Manager – Kenneth

	Documented roles were assigned and agreed to early during the day when group met and 
discussed. It was noted that group had misunderstood the responsibilities of the 
Configuration Manager. Matthew has confirmed agreement to taking the role once 
responsibilities were clarified.
ISSUE 2 – Project Topic Preference Order:

	Group members discussed the pros and cons for each project topic and listed the pros of 
each topic on the Administration Google Documentation file created by David. Here is a
summary of discussed results:

Project Topic Preference Order:

FIRST CHOICE: 4B - City of Vancouver: Explore Your City application
*If 4B is not chosen, we will take 4A as top choice
-	Client is well-known.
-	Our team have developers of various skill levels in terms of web development.
-	Similar workflow to CPSC 310
-	Some of us have used the OpenData from Vancouver before.
-	Detailed requirements, follows the standard web application format.

-	good for resume
-	web application
-	UBC Students giving back to the university!
-	Well documented requirements
-	Excellent way to gain web development and database experience.
-	Our team members’ various technical backgrounds caters to all aspects of this project.
-	We have team members who have worked with security, front-end, database, etc.

-	web application
-	Startup

FOURTH CHOICE: BETH Multiplatform Logic solver and verifier
-	Used by the university
-	Cross-platform (Windows, Mac)
-	Most team members have no knowledge about semantic tableau and prolog.
-	As a team we’re looking to gain experience in industry-relevant technology/language.

Our meeting concluded with an email to Kurt regarding role assignment and project topic 
selection.Team member's timetables were shared via Google Calendar to schedule future 
project related activities.

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